City of Krk - June 21 - 23, 2019
Krk Music Fest, from 21 to 23 June 2019, will turn the city of Krk into the centre of good music, entertainment and unique gastronomy.
Organized for the second time, the Festival celebrates the World Music Day, celebrated around the world on 21 June, but also the beginning of the summer.
In three days of the festival guests will be able to enjoy street food specialties from various parts of the world and in a whole range of music and dance events at several city locations.
The highlights of the festival are the top music performances - "An evening for Arsen" concert with Matija Dedić, Lea Dekleva and Tedi Spalato, in honor of the unique Croatian artist Arsen Dedić, the concert of the well-known Split musician Gibonni and the „Guitar Power“ show, concert of the world-renowned guitar virtuoso Damir Halilić Hal.
Program festivala odvija se na više lokacija u živopisnom gradu Krku koji će svojim zanimljivim vizurama dati upečatljiv scenski doprinos manifestaciji.
Lokalna folklorna društva svojim nastupima na Veloj placi posjetitelje će upoznati s tradicijskim krčkim plesovima i karakterističnom glazbom koja je uvrštena na UNESCO-vu listu svjetske nematerijalne baštine.
Vrhunac festivala njegov je koncertni dio koji će trima besplatnim koncertima publici pružiti vrhunske umjetničke doživljaje. Jedan od umjetnika koji je obilježio hrvatsku popularnu glazbu nezaboravni je Arsen Dedić, stoga je više nego primjereno da se na Svjetski dan glazbe upriliči program naziva „Večer za Arsena“ koji će izvesti Matija Dedić, Lea Dekleva i Tedi Spalato na srednjovjekovnom trgu Kamplin.
Drugog dana festivala vrhunac glazbenog doživljaja cjelovečernji je koncert splitskog kantautora Zlatana Stipišića Gibonnija na krčkoj rivi. Koncert je rezultat suradnje s našom najvećom hotelskom tvrtkom Valamar Riviera d. d. koja je i sponzor ovog nastupa.
Zadnjeg dana festivala koncertni program je prepušten internacionalno prepoznatom riječkom gitaristu i virtuozu, Damiru Haliliću Halu, koji će na trgu Kamplin izvesti, po ocjeni glazbene kritike, jedan od najinovativnijih i najoriginalnijih projekata na području gitarističke glazbe. Riječ je o alternativnom konceptu solističkog nastupa uz korištenje šest različitih gitara i vrhunske videoprodukcije koja prati nastup.
Ritam glazbe pokreće i zove na ples pa je dio programa posvećen i plesnom pokretu. Prvoga dana festivala na krčkoj će se rivi predstaviti riječka plesna skupina Flame s programom „Bohemian Rhapsody“ koji je inspiriran bezvremenskim hitovima grupe Queen.
Za ljubitelje glazbeno-plesnog stvaralaštva pripremljen je program „Musicool Fest“ zamišljen kao zabavno-edukativni sadržaj. U okviru ovog programa posjetitelji se mogu uključiti u plesne i glazbene radionice Love4Dance i Love4Music koje vode mentori Ivona Brnelić, međunarodno etablirana plesačica i redateljica te afirmirani glazbeni producent Olja Dešić sa svojim timom. Dio radionica prilagođen je djeci početnicima od 8 do 12 godina, a dio iskusnim i starijim plesačima i pjevačima. Više informacija o radionicama i obrazac za prijavu može se naći na mrežnim stranicama i Nakon završenih radionica polaznici će stečeno znanje i vještine predstaviti zajedničkim nastupom u programu „Musicool show“ zadnjeg dana festivala na živopisnom Trgu krčkih glagoljaša.
Osim radionica plesa i pjevanja na programu je i nešto za vješte ruke. Kreativnost možete iskušati na radionici izrade suvenira i glazbala od naplavina koju će voditi udruga Rukotvorine Krk. Umjetnički radovi izrađivat će se od naplavina i otpadnog materijala radi promicanja reciklaže.
Nismo zaboravili ni zaljubljenike u filmsko platno. U Kinu Krk za vrijeme festivala prikazuju se besplatne filmske projekcije, a glazba je naravno i ovdje glavna tema. Za najmlađu publiku na programu je film Coco, a za ljubitelje biografskih filmova Amy – biografski film o glazbenoj umjetnici Amy Winehouse. U žanru igranih filmova publiku čeka prava poslastica, glazbeni film Rocketman inspiriran životom Eltona Johna.
Gastronomija koja prati festival posebna je priča. Baš kao što glazba spaja različite ljude i kontinente, ista misao prenesena je i na gastronomski dio festivala. Posjetitelji će moći uživati u internacionalnom street food marketu na kojem će se predstaviti 12 gastronomskih entuzijasta.
Naći će se razne varijante burgera i tortilja, francuske i belgijske slastice, egzotična kuhinja pa čak i okusi iz daleke Australije. I hrvatski će gastronomski specijaliteti biti predstavljeni u street food ponudi pa će se moći uživati u sendvičima s odrescima od tune, slavonskim rolanim odojkom ili s dalmatinskom pašticadom, a zamirisat će i purica s mlincima u novom ruhu.
Turistička zajednica Grada Krka
Nataša Jurina, direktorica ureda
Mob.: 099 210 1685
Vela placa 1, 51500 Krk
tel: 051 221 414
Krk Music Fest organiziraju Turistička zajednica Grada Krka i Grad Krk sa suradnicima: komunalno poduzeće Vecla, Street Food Market, plesni studio RisDance.
Sponzor koncerta Gibonnija je Valamar Riviera.
Detaljan program festivala može se naći na .
Svakako je puno razloga za doći na Krk Music Fest. Dobro došli!
Friday - 21.6.
Krk Waterfront
16.00 - 24.00 - International Street Food Market - a wide range of street food specialties with a selection of Croatian gastronomic specialties in the street food version, but also numerous international specialties such as French and Belgian desserts, exotic cuisine specialties, even tastes from Australia
20.30 - 21.30 - Opening of the festival with Krk Town Music - a promenade concert of the Krk brass band, which is one of the oldest active associations on the Island of Krk
21.30 – 22.00 - DJ dance music
22.00 – 23.00 - Bohemian Rhapsody, dance show by the group Flame show dance musical inspired by the iconic hits of the band Queen
23.00 – 24.00 - DJ dance music
Vela placa Square
20.00 - 21.00 - Performance of the folklore association Vrh the folklore group will perform Krk's traditional dances and typical music, the latter being included on the UNESCO's World Heritage List
St. Kvirin Square
19.00 - 21.00 - Musical instruments and souvenirs making workshop - arts and crafts programme in which the creative individuals can learn how to make artwork from the driftwood and recycled materials, held by the association Rukotvorine Krk
Kamplin Square
22.00 - 23.30 - An evening for Arsen – the concert of Matija Dedić, Lea Dekleva and Tedi Spalato dedicated to Arsen Dedić, one of the greatest artists who left a significant mark in a Croatian music
Krk Cinema (Kino Krk)
19.00 - 22.00 - Amy, a biographical documentary film - the film unveils unseen archive footage and tells the tragic story of the talented British musician Amy Winehouse
Saturday - 22.6.
Krk Waterfront
16.00 - 24.00 - International Street Food Market - a wide range of street food specialties with a selection of Croatian gastronomic specialties in the street food version, but also numerous international specialties such as French and Belgian desserts, exotic cuisine specialties, even tastes from Australia
22.00 - 23.30 - Concert by Gibonni - the concert of the famous Croation singer-songwriter from the town of Split, called Zlatan Stipišić Gibonni, sponsored by the hotel group Valamar Riviera Ltd.
Vela placa Square
20.00 - 21.00 - Performance of the folklore association Kornić - the folklore group will perform Krk's traditional dances and typical music, the latter being included on the UNESCO's World Heritage List
School’s gym
19.30 - 21.00 - MusiCool Fest - an entertaining-educational program for lovers of music and dance creativity, with dance and music workshops Love4Dance and Love4Music led by mentors Ivona Brnelić, internationally established dancer and director and affirmed music producer Olja Dešić with their team.
All interested singers (12-25 yrs) and dancers (8-25 yrs) can sign up on the website and fill in the application form. The application deadline is May 15th
Krk Cinema "Kino Krk"
18.00 - 20.00 - Coco, animated film - The Pixar film about aspiring musician Miguel, who, confronted with his family's ancestral ban on music, enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather, a legendary singer
Sunday - 23.6.
Krk Waterfront
16.00 - 24.00 - International Street Food Market - a wide range of street food specialties with a selection of Croatian gastronomic specialties in the street food version, but also numerous international specialties such as French and Belgian desserts, exotic cuisine specialties, even tastes from Australia
Vela placa square
20.00 - 21.00 - Performance of the folklore association Poljica - the folklore group will perform Krk's traditional dances and typical music, the latter being included on the UNESCO's World Heritage List
Kamplin Square
21.30 – 23.00 - Guitar Power, concert by Damir Halilić Hal - Damir Halilić Hal, Croatian guitar virtuoso who has collaborated with many of the world's top guitarists, will be presenting Guitar Power - audio visual show that has received critical acclaim for originality and innovation on the live music circuit
Krčkih glagoljaša Square
21.00 – 23.00 - MusiCool show - a dance-music show as the final performance and presentation of the acquired knowledge and skills of the participants of the Love4Dance and Love4Music workshops and members of the RiS Dance Center. The MusiCool talent show combines elements of music, modern and urban dances, while dance choreographies combine with vocal performances into an impressive musical-stage experience.
Krk Cinema (Kino Krk)
19.00 - 22.00 - Rocketman, biographical musical drama - an epic musical fantasy about the uncensored human story of Sir Elton John’s breakthrough years