25 th KRK SAILS, 13. – 15. August 2022.

25 th KRK SAILS, 13. – 15. August 2022.

A Regatta of ancient boats organized by the Plav Sailing Club held in Krk’s aquatorium with a rich entertainment programme!

Krčka jedra


13. – 20. 8.        Exhibition of photographs depicting sea motifs – šetalište sv. Bernardina  


13. 8. – Saturday

10:00                    Opening of the exhibition of photographs depicting sea motifc at the town’s port

10:00                   Workshop and lecture about seafaring skills at the Krk Island Maritime Heritage Interpretation Centre

11:00                   Educational sailing demo for children and other visitors on traditional sailing boats in the town’s port

12:00                    Panoramic ride in traditional sailing boats in the town’s port

19:00                    Presentation of the island’s rich maritime heritage at the Krk Island Maritime Heritage Centre

21:00                    Ceremonial opening: live performance of the Krk’s Music Ensemble


14. 8. – Sunday

16:00 – 20:00   Boat exhibition at the town’s port

21:00                  Night boat show at the town’s port, featuring a music performance by Zvjezdan Ružić, with a lightshow and fireworks        


15. 8. – Monday

12:00                   25th Krk Sails regatta

16:00 – 20:00   Boat exhibition at the town’s port

21:00                    Live performance by klapa Kampanel


16.8. – Tuesday

21:00                   Promenade performance of the vocal group (klapa) Nono


20. 8. – Saturday

12:00                   Regatta Krk Open – a regatta for cruisers according to the OPEN system

21:00                    Live performamce by klapa Rišpet and Ivo Amulić


Krčka jedra
Krčka jedra
Krčka jedra


Krčka jedra