500. Krčki sajam - Lovrečeva osvojio je prestižnu nagradu za Turistički događaj godine!
Sjajna tri dana obilježila jubilarno izdanje
Turistička zajednica Grada Krka ponosno najavljuje jubilarnu 500. proslavu Krčkog sajma – Lovrečeve!
The Tourist Board of the City of Krk proudly announces the 500th jubilee celebration of the Krk Fair - Lovrečeva!
500 years of the Krk Fair – Lovrečeva – for an August to remember
The countdown to the awaited 499th Krk Fair - Lovrečeva has begun!
Notice on special traffic regulation during the event from August 8-10, 2022
The Krk Fair, organised by the Krk Town Tourist Board, the Town of Krk and various associations and partners, has always attracted many visitors.
The Krk Fair, organised by the Krk Town Tourist Board, the town of Krk and various associations and partners, has always attracted many visitors. The event’s goal has not changed much over the course of time: it gathers people and offers traditional products and craftwork, presenting local producers and the impressive cultural heritage of the Krk island and town.
During these three days, at five locations in the city of Krk, a selection of traditional and ethnic goods will be presented and marketed by small-scale enterprises and farmers originating from the Krk Island and Croatia, in general.
Welcome to the town on Krk on 495th Fair of tradition, culture, gastronomy and entertainment...
There are many reasons to visit the Krk Fair and here are some of them:
• rich offer of original Krk and Croatian products such as Krk cheese, prosciutto, handmade pasta šurlice, Žlahtina wine, liqueurs and many other delicacies,
Krčki sajam - Lovrečeva najdugovječnija je tradicijska manifestacija na sjevernom Jadranu koja se u gradu Krku održava od 16. stoljeća. Danas ju organiziraju Turistička zajednica Grada Krka i Grad Krk te udruge i partneri.
Gotovo nam se nevjerojatnim čini kako je jednoj manifestaciji sajmenog karaktera pošlo za rukom održati se gotovo 500 godina. Trodnevni sajam - Lovrečeva - čiji program već godinama kreće 08. kolovoza, time potvrđuje ne samo vlastitu već i posebnost grada koji je, duž čitavu povijest, bio jedno od važnijih jadranskih centara susreta europskih trgovaca i pomoraca.
Welcome to the town on Krk on 493rd Fair of tradition, culture, gastronomy and entertainment...
There are many reasons to visit the Krk Fair and some of them are:
Gotovo nam se nevjerojatnim čini kako je jednoj manifestaciji sajmenog karaktera pošlo za rukom održati se gotovo 500 godina. Trodnevni sajam - Lovrečeva - čiji program već godinama kreće 08. kolovoza, time potvrđuje ne samo vlastitu već i posebnost grada koji je, duž čitavu povijest, bio jedno od važnijih jadranskih centara susreta europskih trgovaca i pomoraca.
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