Krk Bike Family Story - an interactive event on two wheels for the whole family

Krk Bike Family Story - an interactive event on two wheels for the whole family

Save the date! The family cycling event is scheduled for June 19 - 20, register online til June 18, 2021. 

You are invited to a weekend treat – Krk MTB Family Story – an interactive event on two wheels for the whole family. During the two days of guided cycling, you will get to know the cuisine and history of the Krk Island and embark on a treasure hunt of the Krk’s noble family Frankopan.

FIRST DAY, Saturday 19 June - Krk MTB Family Story – the story begins with a guided circular cycling route providing an insight into the historical and gastronomic richness of the island. The 25-km route with 350 metres elevation, sets off from the town of Krk, leading you through Lakmartin, Kornić, Punat and ending in Krk. This interactive and fun route is a treat for MTB families.

SECOND DAY, Sunday 20 June – a day that promises an adventure for the whole family. A treasure hunt type event, which will lead you through a marked path, looking for clues in order to find the location of the Frankopans’ treasure.



Every participant will receive an award, but the first three winning teams that find the treasure will receive special prizes as set out below:

Special prizes of the "Hunt for the treasure of the Frankopans, Krk’s noble family":


1st prize: Voucher for a free visit to the Underwater Pirate Park in Punat for 4 people

Sponsors: Punat Municipality Tourist Board / Underwater Pirate Park, Punat 

The Underwater Pirate Park is located in Punat (Punta Debij Beach). It is a unique experience where you will be able to both discover the maritime life and its treasure and feed the fish. The underwater journey lasts approx. 20 minutes and is carefully thought out, equally exciting for children and adults.

The voucher shall be valid throughout June, July and August 2021, with a prior notice to the Punat Municipality Tourist Board either via e-mail: , the social media or by a phone call to 051/854860.

2nd prize: Family ride on a semi-submarine Krk for 4 people
Sponsor: City of Krk Tourist Board / Marlin Tours

Riding aboard the semi-submarine Krk is a perfect marine adventure for young and old, regardless of age. Rest assured the whole family will enjoy it! You will be able to explore the marine environment, fish and other life forms beneath the surface, whereas on the deck, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery during the relaxing journey.

The voucher shall be handed out on site.

3rd prize: Tickets to the Aquarium Terrarium KrkTropical Aquarium Krk for 4 people
Sponsors: City of Krk Tourist Board / Travel Agency “Šiloturist”

Aquarium Terrarium Krk: Within Krk’s city walls, covering an area of 380 m2 there are an attractive aquarium with Adriatic fish, a terrarium with exotic reptiles and the exhibition of Adriatic shells and crabs. You may find on display over a hundred species of fish from the Adriatic Sea and a number of exotic reptiles.

Tropical Aquarium Krk: The first tropical aquarium in Croatia housing both freshwater and marine wildlife species provides its visitors with a whole new experience. A wide variety of tropical fish (coral shark, piranha, clownfish, discus fish, corals, etc.) is complemented with a collection of tropical snails and shells.

The voucher shall be handed out on site.


Price per capita: 70 HRK for 1 day, 100.00 HRK for 2 days, children up to 13 years-old – free of charge

Event duration: 6 hours



Friday, 18 June 2021

Gathering venue: Veli Park, city of Krk
17:00 - 19:00 – participants’ registration for the MTB Family Story. It is possible to rent and try out the bicycles.

Saturday, 19 June 2021 - MTB Family Story
Gathering venue: Veli Park, city of Krk
08:30 - 09:30 - participants’ registration for the MTB Family Story. It is possible to rent and try out the bicycles
09:30 - 10:00 – briefing of the route, guidelines for group-riding and safety-related recommendations
10:00 - 15:00 - start and the anticipated finishing time of the Krk MTB Family Story Tour

Krk MTB Family Story – the course of the tour:
Following the start and a short ride through the historical heart of Krk’s old city, the route heads off along the promenade Dražica to the Koralj Hotel. The scenery of Krk is left behind, only to access the road up to the no. 8 marked cycle path leading to Putevima zlatnih kapi (Golden Drops Pathways) – through olive tree groves and drystone walls – a typical Krk’s landscape. It then heads on an off-road trail followed by a demanding climb to the picturesque Lakmartin, where the first stop is anticipated as well as the visit to the Magriž family farm, known for the production of Krk’s typical cheese with its distinctive taste and aroma. After a local produce tasting, the tour continues through olive groves up to the main road and then connects to an easy coastal cycle path leading to Punat – one of the largest nautical centres on the island. Since Punat also stands out as the centre of olive tree cultivation, a tasting of the “liquid gold” – the olive oil, shall be organised at the refreshment point. This is a great opportunity to engage children in a short game “Hunt for the treasure of the Frankopans, Krk’s noble family”, a creative treasure hunt, following the instructions of a skilled guide. The route follows the coastline up to no. 6 cycling path to the Prniba peninsula – the perfect place for a relaxing off-road loop ride through pine wood. The route then follows the road back to the city of Krk, where all participants shall be awarded a free visit to the Frankopan castle.


Krk Family Bike Story
Krk Family Bike Story


Krk Family Bike Story
Krk Family Bike Story


Sunday, 20 June 2021 - MTB Family Treasure Hunt

Gathering venue: Veli Park, city of Krk
09:00 - 09:30 – registration of participants to the MTB Family Treasure Hunt
09:30 - 10:00 – briefing with detailed description of the tour, and distribution of the “Hunt for the treasure of the Frankopans, Krk’s noble family” maps.
10:00 - 15:30 – tour start and finish of the “Hunt for the treasure of the Frankopans, Krk’s noble family” followed by the award-winning ceremony


MTB Family Treasure Hunt – tour course:
On Sunday - Day 2 of the family MTB story all riders turn into explorers. By means of the map, guidelines along the route and the guide, participants set off on a marked path to embark on an adventure called “Hunt for the treasure of the Frankopans, Krk’s noble family”. At the beginning of the tour, the teams will be given maps, and at specific checkpoints “treasure keepers” will be waiting for them to provide them with puzzles and tasks related to the cultural heritage and history of the island and the Frankopan family. The answers and solutions will lead the participants to the treasure location. You will certainly have great fun in the treasure hunt quest! The best three teams shall be awarded valuable prizes.


Krk Family Bike Story
Krk Family Bike Story


Instructions and link for registration:


Registrations are available either online or onsite:

ONLINE REGISTRATION (til June 18, 2021 16:00 h)
1. Fill in the registration form on the following link: Krk MTB Family Story. 
2. Please provide for the payment of the registration fee (at the latest 3 days before the tour date). In the event that online payments have not been settled, on-site cash payments will be granted on the day of the event.
* Price per person: 70 HRK for a single day, 100 HRK for both days, children up to 13 years-old are free of charge
* Payment data:
Beneficiary: Cycle expedition d.o.o., Lašćinska cesta 143, 10000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR7324020061500073547, Erste&Steiermärkische Bank d.d.
In the section regarding the reason for the transfer, ensure you write down the date you wish to register for, as well as the team name.

1. Fill-in a copy of the onsite registration form
2. Provide for registration payment onsite by cash payment
* Price per person: 70 HRK for a single day, 100 HRK for both days, children up to 13 years-old are free of charge

For further details please feel free to contact us on:
Tel: 00385 91 6041 726


Krk Family Bike Story
Krk Family Bike Story


Important information:


  • In case you do not have your own bike, the team CycleCroatia is available for rental of Full Suspension Mountain Bike and Electric Mountain Bike and child seats with promotional prices and with a prior notice via e-mail: .
    The price for a Full Suspension MTB amounts to 100 HRK, while for the eMTB to 150 HRK - https://cyclecroatia.com/bike-rental-croatia/ 
    The first three participants registered can rent either an eMTB or a MTB free of charge.

  • All participants are advised to wear a helmet and a spare inner tube (children under the age of 16 are required to wear a helmet), and each participant must abide by the traffic rules and the provisions of the Traffic Safety Act. By signing the registration form, participants assume full accountability for their part-taking in the event, they declare full awareness of the risks and possible personal injuries that may incur, and they disclaim the organisers and third parties, either legal or natural persons, of any responsibilities thereof.

  • It is recommended that all riders wear a helmet. All riders must obey traffic rules and the provisions of the Traffic Safety Act. By signing the registration form, participants declare that they are aware of the risks and possible personal injuries while participating in the tour, as well as disclaiming the organisers and third parties of any responsibility thereof.

  • The bike tour is tailored for families and entails a basic physical fitness level, easily achieved through everyday cycling.

  • Riders under 16 years-of-age MUST be accompanied by their parent(s) / Riders from 16 to 18 years-old can part-take in the tour, provided that a parent’s written consent has been submitted prior to the tour start.nts shall abide by the epidemiologic measures for their safety and that of the others.

  • The event shall take place according to the Covid-19 measures in place. The use of face masks is mandatory during the registration and gathering prior to the start of the tour. All racers will be required to check their temperature, and should it result above 37.2°C, they must give up participation. Physical distancing of 1.5 m must be kept outdoors. At the registration desk, a record of participants will be kept with their name, surname and phone number. All participants shall abide by the epidemiologic measures for their safety and that of others.

  • Organisers: The Island of Krk Tourist Board, the City of Krk Tourist Board, the Punat Municipality Tourist Board.



J. J. Strossmayera 9, 51500 Krk
Tel: +385 (0) 51 220 226

Pod topol 2, Punat
Tel: +385 (0) 51 854 860

In cooperation with: CYCLE EXPEDITION turistička agencija d.o.o. / Travel Agency
Note: the organisers reserve the right to change the event routes. In the event of any change or alteration, all participants shall be informed in due course.