Information on testing locations and working hours
Introduzione: cenni sul Cammino
Il Cammino di Santiago, noto anche come il Cammino di San Giacomo, è una via di pellegrinaggio lunga circa 800 chilometri visitata da più di trecentomila pellegrini all’anno.
Dal 01.04.2021. la Repubblica di Croazia a tutti i passeggeri provenienti da uno degli Stati membri dell'UE / SEE
Pursuant to the Decision on the temporary ban and restriction on crossing the state border of the Republic of Croatia adopted by the National Civil Protection Headquarters on 31. March 2021,
A partire dal 01.12.2020. per l’ingresso nella Repubblica di Croazia è richiesto:
- la presentazione di un test PCR negativo al COVID-19 che non sia più vecchio di 48 ore o
- l’obbligo di sottoporsi al test PCR all’arrivo nella Repubblica di Croazia con l’autoisolamento obbligatorio fino all’arrivo di un risultato negativo del test.
4. - 6. IX 2020
14th Fig days is a gastro-event which can be taken as a sort of a prelude to the upcoming autumn days in the town of Krk.
Da martedì 18 agosto 2020 è possibile prelevare i tamponi su COVID-19 davanti all'ambulanza turistica della città di Krk, all' indirizzo Vinogradska 2b.
Qui potrete trovare tutte le informazioni utili sulla situazione attuale in Croazia
Rientro in Italia - aggiornamento 12 agosto 2020
The Town of Krk: 14 and 15 August 2020
Krk’s aquatorium / Town’s waterfront
During these three days, at five locations in the city of Krk, a selection of traditional and ethnic goods will be presented and marketed by small-scale enterprises and farmers originating from the Krk Island and Croatia, in general.
The Town of Krk: 21 July - 17 September 2020
Awaken your senses and free your mind regaining energy flow through your body again.
Coronavirus 2019-nCoV Q&A
- For questions specifically related to travel to Croatia not addressed by the Q&A please contact and Cc
- For questions regarding crossing the border of Republic of Croatia, please check :
- For questions regarding filling out the entercroatia online form please contact:
- For specific questions regarding epidemiological measures, economic measures and any legal questions in the Republic of Croatia during the COVID-19 pandemic please contact:
- Additional information may be found here with additional information specific to travel Q&A available here*
- For additional information, the EU has launched ‘Re-open EU’, an interactive tool which aims to support a safe relaunch of travelling and tourism across Europe.
*Please note, all external links provided are not updated by the CNTB and the CNTB cannot be held accountable for their accuracy.
Click here to find the latest measures regarding travel to the Republic of Croatia:
10th July - 20th August 2020
Summer Events in Krk are the most significent and, certainly, the festival with the greatest tradition organized by the Centre for Culture of Krk. During the summer (July - August), various theatrical and concert events take place as a part of the festival.
Fiera di Krk
Krčki sajam – sajam nezaboravnoh doživljaja manifestacija je koja ima tradiciju od 1524. godine. Na Trgu kamplin organizira se srednjevjekovni sajam i pučka fešta na tragu frankopanskih svečanosti vezanih za Sv. Lovru.
Sva tri dana u večernjim satima organira se bogat zabavno – glazbeni program.
Cose varie
Odaberite temu novosti sa liste ispod, zatim odaberite naslov novosti koju želite pročitati.
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